Howto Phase-shifted Full-Bridge Converter PSFB

Import the attached TL431 files into the same directory in which you stored the PSFB-Files.
Pls feel free to respond, if you still can't open Version B

Did you have success with the version A, the one without opto and TL431 ?
I downloaded the Phase_Shift_FB_600Watt file.
I opened the file I marked in yellow with the ltspice application.
The file did not work. I got the error that I said as Error 1. Now I put the tl431 file you sent into the same file.

What do I need to do to be able to run it on your computers and programs?
MBBZ18VAL should be in the standard lib. At least I found it there. May be you should update the LTspiceXVII version to get the latest lib, same for the 2scr293p
LTspice 17.1 (Beta) now available. ı updated from your website :


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This file acts in Pseudo Transient-Analysis. After running the file and wait, until the sim-time has reached more than 10msec, than press ESC-button. After a short time, the plot window will open.
I did as you said and waited as long as necessary. Then I pressed esc but it didn't work.
If you wish, you can connect to my computer remotely. I need your help


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This file acts in Pseudo Transient-Analysis. After running the file and wait, until the sim-time has reached more than 10msec, than press ESC-button. After a short time, the plot window will open.
ı dıd ıt but doesnt work


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Import the attached TL431 files into the same directory in which you stored the PSFB-Files.
Pls feel free to respond, if you still can't open Version B

Did you have success with the version A, the one without opto and TL431 ?
I was not successful in version A, which is optoless and TL431.
In the uc3875 circuit, despite this error, I continued to run the circuit and after 10 ms, I was able to get results when I pressed the ESC button.
Is this process I'm doing correct?


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This file acts in Pseudo Transient-Analysis. After running the file and wait, until the sim-time has reached more than 10msec, than press ESC-button. After a short time, the plot window will open
Yes, I received this warning in the uc3875 file, I said OK. and it worked after 10 ms.
Here's the warning I get. and graphics were created


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I downloaded the Phase_Shift_FB_600Watt file.
I opened the file I marked in yellow with the ltspice application.
The file did not work. I got the error that I said as Error 1. Now I put the tl431 file you sent into the same file.

What do I need to do to be able to run it on your computers and programs?
Also, I just realized that the TL431 equipment connection seems not to have been made on the synchronous circuit. I'm attaching a visual, can you take a look?


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1. RB228T150 is in the LTspice lib. If not, you do the following:
a) update LTspice, or
b) use another Diode, which you have in your lib. You just need to take care about the Diode's spec. , i.e. >100V, >10A, fast recovery or Schottky.
2. TL431 , your screenshot_4.jpg
This error may/will happen, when the component was not found in the previous schematic. All you need to do is to place the component in the right position where it should be.
Use the move-button (F7 or mouse click) to place and the wire button to correct the connections.

By the way, simulation will help to verify a design, but does not completely replace a development !!
TL431 ...... Information

Im Laufe der Zeit sind wohl diverse Modelle aus der pspice lib konvertiert worden.
In the past, misc. psice spice models have been converted to and between Sim.-programs.
Meine Empfehlung, um auf die .include verzichten zu können ist:
My recommendations is as follows:

copy TL431A.asy into the directory LTspiceXVII\lib\sym and TL431A.lib into the directory LTspiceXVII\lib \sub.

After that, you can load a component to your schematic without adding a .include command.

I hope I'm correct.


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Thank you sir, there was no error this time.
But this time I couldn't get any simulation results. How can I fix this?
Check your .tran command, which I can't read from your screenshot.
I guess the plot curves will show up not before "time to start saving data", i.e. 1msec. That means you need to wait, until the simulation process has reached this time.
TL431 ...... Information

Im Laufe der Zeit sind wohl diverse Modelle aus der pspice lib konvertiert worden.
In the past, misc. psice spice models have been converted to and between Sim.-programs.
Meine Empfehlung, um auf die .include verzichten zu können ist:
My recommendations is as follows:

copy TL431A.asy into the directory LTspiceXVII\lib\sym and TL431A.lib into the directory LTspiceXVII\lib \sub.

After that, you can load a component to your schematic without adding a .include command.

I hope I'm correct.
It says suspended, I cannot download the files, sir.
Check your .tran command, which I can't read from your screenshot.
I guess the plot curves will show up not before "time to start saving data", i.e. 1msec. That means you need to wait, until the simulation process has reached this time.
How long should I wait sir? And after how long should I wait and press the ESC key?


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It says suspended, I cannot download the files, sir.

How long should I wait sir? And after how long should I wait and press the ESC key?
I've been waiting for and the simulation screen has filled in about 9 ms, but I can't get any graphics.


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When you've put the TL431 right in place, including the correct wiring, then
change your simulation command from .tran 10m 1m to .tran 10m 1m uic
This will show up the simulation graphs after 1msec, which is 10% of the 10msec of the total simulation time.

You can observe the sim.-process on the bottom left.

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