Howto Full Bridge Phase Shift Design Help

Eine Ergänzung zur Version A, bei der der Regler inkl. Kompensator auf der Sekundärseite platziert wurde,
die beigefügte Version B trennt den Phasenschieberegler (Primärseite) vom Kompensator TL431 und Optokoppler (Sekundärseite).
Die eine Datei ist eine Transientensimulation, die andere befasst sich mit der AC-Analyse.
Die Entwurfsgrundlagen sind bei beiden Versionen grundsätzlich identisch.

An Addition to Version A, in which the Controller incl. compensator was placed on the secondary side,
the attached Version B separates the phase shift controller (primary side) from the compensator TL431 and Optocoupler (secondary side).
One File is a Transient simulation, the other one deals with AC analysis.
The Design fundamentals are basically identical for both versions.



  • Phase_Shift_Design_Version
    8,3 KB · Aufrufe: 8
Zuletzt bearbeitet von einem Moderator:
Eine Ergänzung zur Version A, bei der der Regler inkl. Kompensator auf der Sekundärseite platziert wurde,
die beigefügte Version B trennt den Phasenschieberegler (Primärseite) vom Kompensator TL431 und Optokoppler (Sekundärseite).
Die eine Datei ist eine Transientensimulation, die andere befasst sich mit der AC-Analyse.
Die Entwurfsgrundlagen sind bei beiden Versionen grundsätzlich identisch.

An Addition to Version A, in which the Controller incl. compensator was placed on the secondary side,
the attached Version B separates the phase shift controller (primary side) from the compensator TL431 and Optocoupler (secondary side).
One File is a Transient simulation, the other one deals with AC analysis.
The Design fundamentals are basically identical for both versions.

I am having similar problems again and I am constantly told that something is missing.
Could you please be more specific what you mean by "similar problems".
What is working, what is not ? Which File you are talking about, the one with controller UC3875, or the one with UC3879 ?
I am having similar problems again and I am constantly told that something is missing.
Du musst die Modelle aus den anderen Schaltungen in dieses Verzeichnis kopieren.
Ich habe die notwendigen Modelle als zip angehängt.

You must copy the models from the other circuits into this directory.
I have attached the necessary models as a zip file.


    3,5 KB · Aufrufe: 3
Eine Ergänzung zur Version A, bei der der Regler inkl. Kompensator auf der Sekundärseite platziert wurde,
die beigefügte Version B trennt den Phasenschieberegler (Primärseite) vom Kompensator TL431 und Optokoppler (Sekundärseite).
Die eine Datei ist eine Transientensimulation, die andere befasst sich mit der AC-Analyse.
Die Entwurfsgrundlagen sind bei beiden Versionen grundsätzlich identisch.

An Addition to Version A, in which the Controller incl. compensator was placed on the secondary side,
the attached Version B separates the phase shift controller (primary side) from the compensator TL431 and Optocoupler (secondary side).
One File is a Transient simulation, the other one deals with AC analysis.
The Design fundamentals are basically identical for both versions.

I am having similar problems again and I am constantly told that something is missing.
Could you please be more specific what you mean by "similar problems".
What is working, what is not ? Which File you are talking about, the one with controller UC3875, or the one with UC3879 ?
I'm talking about the one with UC3879 sir. I downloaded the file, ran it with the ltspice program and RECEIVED A WARNING THAT THE TL431 FILE WAS NOT FOUND MISSING. I also share the screenshot.


  • 600ab7f8-e780-4a7e-903d-15d88fc07620.jpg
    318 KB · Aufrufe: 8
Du musst die Modelle aus den anderen Schaltungen in dieses Verzeichnis kopieren.
Ich habe die notwendigen Modelle als zip angehängt.

You must copy the models from the other circuits into this directory.
I have attached the necessary models as a zip file.
THIS WAY I collected all the necessary extensions in one file. What should I do now? can you connect remotely and help me?


  • Screenshot_1.jpg
    58 KB · Aufrufe: 6
Hi umit,

I attach a file for the same Phase shifted converter, which exhibits also it's pulse load behavior.
If I understood your problem right, the TL431.sub is missing. Therefore, the zip file I've attached also contains the models TL431A.asy and TL431A.sub.
Although the circuit should work with the TL431.mod, I now use TI's model TL431A, which seems to be better, compared to many others circulated around.

Now, the simulation should start automatically, showing up the schematic, together with some plots in one sheet. Extension for it is .plt
As spicer informed you in previous posts, put all files together in one directory !
Kindly give me a feedback if you were lucky.
The simulation will take about 850 seconds, until it's finished. Wait that time and observe what happens.

I hope all other models are located in your LTspice library.
Best regards


    5,6 KB · Aufrufe: 1

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