Dear spicer:
It's amazing that reply so fast.
I am sorry for my poor English. I has not given the question a very detailed description of the postprocessor.
My question is I need a minus sign(-) before R if the central angle > 180 degree.
mypost about G2
arc_int_cw = G2 X%XE Y%YE R%R%nl
the nc code like this
G2 X19.05 Y12.89 R2.24
but i need this if angle of the arc is big then 180 degree
G2 X19.05 Y12.89 R-2.24
I am not familiar with Python but in C
I guess the program like this
if abs(s_ang - e_ang) > pi:
in somewhere(maybe dxf2gcode/core/ or /dxf2gcode/postpro/