

Special hints for MAC-LTspice

MAC-LTspice doesn't have a menu-bar with all these commands.
Please use the function keys. It will need a little bit exercise
until you can quickly work with this function-key method.

F2 Get components

F3 Draw wires

F4 Label net

F5 Delete

F6 Copy

F7 Move

F8 Drag

F9 Undo

Shift F9 Redo

Spacebar Zoom to full extent

s Enter Spice Directive

t Enter comment

g GND(ground) symbol

Draw a wire in the direction of 45 degree:

Now hold the Shift-key while drawing the wire with any angle

.lib name or .lib ./name
Normally .lib filename works. I remember one case when I needed .lib ./filename

Dialog windows for the analysis .TRAN, AC, .NOISE, .DC, .TF, .OP
Press the key s to get the dialog window for SPICE-lines.
Now "right mouse click" in this dialog window.
Follow "Help me edit -> op Analysis command".

Data export from waveform
1. Run the simulation.
2. Make the plot window the active window.
2a. Click on the "hammer" icon in this window. (Open the control panel)
2b. Click on "Data Export Tool".

File names with space characters require double quotes.
Therefore you have to enable it.
1. Under Apple/System Preferences/Keyboard/Text/Use smart double quotes ... de-select it.
2. Reboot your MAC.
Now you can double quote file names like below.
.inc "abc def.sub"

Batch mode: -b is implemented
Test with a command line in a terminal:
helmut$ /Applications/ -b mux8.cir

Polarized electrolytic cap?

There are even more nice symbols in [Misc], e. g. a European resistor symbol.
F2 "Misc" -> European Resistor

I found standard.bjt on two places on the hard disk.
You can modify this file when you want append BJT-models.
'/Users/helmut/Library/Application Support/LTspice/Lib/cmp/standard.bjt'
The same applies to the other model files named
Don't change the file below or any other file in this folder.
It's not used when running LTspice.

My personal experience.
MAC-LTspice is 64bit code and runs at least as fast as the WIN version.
The only drawback is the slow speed when you zoom-in or zoom-out.
Mike told me that he can't improve this the next few months.
I missed the tool-bar at the beginning. After I exercised the Fx function keys,
I am quick with this Fx method too.

Known bugs:

Other missing features:
.op data labels can't be modified/formatted like in WIN-LTspiceIV: e.g. round($*1k)/1k
.op data labels can't display currents like in WIN-LTspiceIV: e.g. I(R1).


  • LTspiceShortcutsForMacOSX.pdf
    57,4 KB · Aufrufe: 5
  • Convert to Fastaccess.png
    Convert to Fastaccess.png
    151,8 KB · Aufrufe: 3
  • Data Export Tool.png
    Data Export Tool.png
    151,8 KB · Aufrufe: 3
  • Software Update.jpg
    Software Update.jpg
    28,9 KB · Aufrufe: 2
  • Add Simulation Command.PNG
    Add Simulation Command.PNG
    86,3 KB · Aufrufe: 2
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